It is natural, whatever your age, to feel hesitant about trying new activities. Children may be afraid to attempt a new sport for a number of reasons and it’s important to find out exactly why they are reluctant. This gives you an opener to reassure them and provide information. Below we show you five ways to deal with this and other issues to get your child to love sports.

How to help kids embrace sports
Dealing with Reluctance
Children may fear injury, especially if they have witnessed a player get taken away in an ambulance on tv or at a live sports match. Discuss what happened in the incident and how it could have been prevented. This is a good opening for teaching about how safety matters in children’s sports.
A lack of knowledge of the game can be overcome by watching a few matches together. Teach your child the rules of the game. Practice aspects of the sport together to give your child a feel for it. This will also overcome a fear of letting the team down.
If your child thinks he/she is too small or too weak for a particular sport, you can explain how playing the game shapes the player. As muscles are exercised, they become bigger and stronger. Tell your child that it is impossible to tell how tall a child will be as an adult.
Get Your Children the Right Equipment
Many children have fathers who are willing to throw a ball or swing a bat. But to make a marked improvement, you need to have the right tools. There are many new products designed to improve a wide range of skills.
When a child starts to see his/her skills developing, it renews interest in the game and fuels the desire for more practice. A child experiences a sense of achievement when doing something well.
Dealing with Reticence
Some children are naturally reticent. They would rather read a book than play a sport. If the child enjoys movies, have a sports movie marathon for kids.
Children identify with heroes and most movies feature someone being brave. This may be enough to encourage them to start participating. Erect a basketball hoop in the garden and get your child a basketball. Throw hoops with them, purely for fun. If children see that they have natural talent, it could change their minds.
If a child wants to play a different sport from the one you have in mind, such as hockey instead of baseball, encourage him/her. The important thing is to get the child engaged in physical activity. Many children prefer athletics to sports.
Again, this is fine. You should not push your personal desires onto your child because you played a particular game at school and want the child to follow in your footsteps. Every child is an individual. Respect this.
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Volunteer to Coach the Team
A child may just be shy and still be learning social skills. Having a parent as a coach might make children feel more confident, knowing that you have their backs. Make it a team effort to get your equipment and kit ready in the morning before a practice session.
Children learn best from observation. Give every child an equal chance to play, for young children, it is not the end of the world if they are on a weaker team. The aim of sports for youngsters is firstly to participate, secondly to be physically active, and thirdly to learn the game.
Provide Encouragement but Don’t Push
Use motivation, encouragement, and praise to let your child know that he/she is making great progress. Children know when you are being false. Be specific by mentioning the good moves they made or for having a terrific attitude.
Keep the goal in mind – getting your child to participate.