5 Benefits of Having Timber Flooring in Your House

benefits of timber flooring

While you are rebuilding your house, there are various factors that you have to keep in mind. The kitchen area, living room, bedroom, and all the rooms are important. For you, it is also essential to match the theme of the entire house. The furniture, paint and even the flooring of the house matters.

The flooring is as important as the furniture of the house. You can choose the floor material from various options. Out of all the options, timber flooring is indeed the best option for you. Although it’s the most conventional flooring options, it still rules the choices of those who wish to have a royal and vintage look for their house.

In recent times, timber flooring has gained importance. There are various benefits you can get from the timber floor in your house. It is known as the most practical choice among all the people.

Look at The Benefits of Having Timber Flooring in Your House:

It Lasts for Long:

One of the biggest advantages of timber flooring is that it lasts long. However, you must invest in good quality timber for flooring.  Once you install it in your house, you will not have to look at it for decades, except for the regular cleaning and maintenance.  

The flooring is built to last long when it is compared to other flooring surfaces. The carpet will have to be replaced now and then. The timber is a strong and sturdy material. It can withstand any type of heavyweight and force. You might have also seen the timber floor in old churches and museums. They go without getting affected for years.

It Is Adaptable with Any Color:

The best part about timber floor is that it easily complements the interiors of your house. You can choose a bright theme or a classic black and white theme; the timber flooring will go hand in hand with it. The flooring can also be stripped and made in any colour.

You have an option between shiny and matte finish too. Hence it can be adapted to fit in any room of any color. However, this is not an option when you have carpets or other material. There are limitations after a point. But with timber, you will not have to compromise with personal style and preference.   

It Adds Value to Your House:

The real wooden flooring is very popular these days. It is because of the various advantages and the rustic look that it gives. The timber flooring is surely going to add value to your house. If you have timber flooring in your house, you will get economic benefits even when you are selling it. So, you can say that it enhances the resale values of your house.

It Is Healthy:

Many people have dust allergies and many other allergies. In such a case, carpet flooring can be very dangerous. It will only add up to your allergy. The carpet is also known as a magnet to the allergy. But the timber flooring is safe and healthy for you. Since it can be cleaned easily, the dust will not be collected for a long time. Hence you will not have to worry about any allergy.

It Is Easy to Maintain:

You would not want to spend hours and hours on cleaning the floor, having timber flooring can reduce this burden. However, you must understand that after installing timber floors, you need to add sealant to it so that the surface becomes impervious. This will make the flooring stain-resistant and easy to maintain.


Now that you know the benefits of timber floor, you can contact the right flooring company for the installation process.

why choose timber flooring

Author Bio: Zac Ferry is an experienced writer, blogger, and social media promoter. He provides valuable information which helps readers to get more ideas. This content provides information regarding timber flooring.



  1. October 25, 2019 / 3:06 am

    I would love to pull up our carpet and go with wood but have wondered, since our second floor wasn’t built with the weight of wood flooring, could the frame and foundation hold up to it. We considered having a tile roof installed but were told that the weight of the tiles has to be taken into consideration in the construction of the foundation and frame. Is hard wood the same?

  2. April 24, 2020 / 5:46 pm

    I am thinking of considering timber wood floor installations. Good thing I came across your article! I had no idea that it has a lot of benefits. I just wanted to try something that I think would last long as a flooring. It’s good to know that timber is a strong material that can endure any type of heavyweight and force.

  3. May 29, 2020 / 5:24 pm

    Thanks for listing the benefits of timber floors. My house is under renovation and I’m thinking of replacing my old floors with timber flooring. I like what you said about how it is adaptable to the interiors of my house. I guess I’ll then find a reliable supplier of quality wood materials.

  4. December 29, 2022 / 7:23 pm

    I’m planning to get my first home very soon, and I’d like to ensure that it’s going to have good flooring. Thanks for pointing out that timber flooring lasts for a long time, especially when one invests in good quality material. I should look for timber flooring in our area and consider getting one soon.

  5. February 5, 2024 / 5:46 am

    It’s nice that you mentioned how being long-lasting is one of the biggest advantages of timber flooring. Our current flooring is already worn out all over, so I think we should just replace it now. This time, we should probably opt for timber flooring.

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