When you have a family to feed, a large freezer can be a life saver. You can pre-prepare meals and stock up until you have enough food to last through the apocalypse. Then, you don’t have to worry on weeks when you can’t do a big shop; the food will be there waiting.
Even better, that large freezer stands to save you money. Often the larger packets you buy, the cheaper it gets. But, who has room for that massive bag of chips? You do! While you won’t want to turn to freezer food every night, this at least ensures you have the option when time is limited.
But, those small reduced prices will soon come undone if your freezer breaks. All of a sudden, your attempt to save money could get pretty expensive. If everything defrosts, you’ll lose what you had, as well as having to buy replacements. It’s far from ideal. That’s why you need to take these steps in an emergency to ensure your broken freezer doesn’t defrost your finances.
Get it fixed fast
If you notice an issue with your freezer, the first step is to get it fixed fast. The longer you wait, the more severe the damage. Often, unusual noises or leaks are a symptom worth looking into before it’s too late. You may even find that you can solve issues like these yourself.
If you do miss the signs, you should contact an appliance repair service as soon as possible. Companies like Denver Appliance Pros even offer a same-day service which could literally save your frozen bacon.
Keep the door closed
If your freezer has already broken, there’s a temptation to keep checking the state of your food. In truth, though, your appliance should be able to stay cool for a reasonably long time if you don’t break the seal. Yet, each time you open that door, you let in unwanted heat.
As such, continually checking if your food has defrosted will speed the process. Really, the only time you need to open the door is when you first spot the issue. Other than that, leave it closed and wait for the professionals.
Phone a friend
If it isn’t possible to contact a repair service on the same day, phone a friend. It’d be foolish to sit back and let all that food go to waste. Instead, phone around the people you know and ask if they’d mind you borrowing freezer space.
While it’s unlikely anyone would have room for all your food, spreading the load could see a home for most of your frozen goods. Even if you can’t find space for everything, the chances are you’ll at least be able to find somewhere for your most expensive pieces.
Joints of meat should be top of your priority list here, as should any pre-prepared foods which cost a lot to make. Knowing these are safe should at least give you some peace of mind until you can take care of the issue.