A New Exploration Of What Earth Tone Decor Means

earth tone decor ideas

What comes into your mind when you think of earth tone decor?

Usually, you’ll think of the color brown. Brown sofa, dark brown dining table, brown hardwood flooring etc. The list can go on. But almost everything you will end up listing is conventional. It’s the tried and tested decor and areas of interior design.

There’s a massive misconception that only during the spring and summer should you ever experiment with your interior design. But all modern homes will cast this nonsense aside and charge full speed ahead with exploring new ideas for the autumn months.

Of course this is the perfect opportunity to actually test your skills and see if you really have a grasp of modern interiors. It’s time to reimagine what earth tone decor means.

A sign of the times

Wreaths are not something you should only consider for Christmas. In fact, they’re used for a lot more. Usually, they are symbolic, as they resemble leaf crowns from the days of ancient royalty. They can be hung on your front door or from your window. They hold a certain significance in modern-day decor because they’re almost always going to give people outside the home a hint of what’s inside.

Therefore an autumn leaves wreath is something you should seek to buy. However, rather than in any sort of synthetic material, look to buy a bronze or tin wreath that has been crafted and painted with grave detail. It can also have small birds standing on the leaves or branches to add extra symbolism. Acorns and pine cones are also fantastic additions to this kind of piece.

A valiant stand

During the colder months, some of the most beautiful flowers in the world will sadly perish. But in the early days of autumn, they will put up a great fight. You should introduce bright flowers that stand up strong even during the seasonal shift.

The polar star rose is a deep white and it’s a great symbol of the second half of the year. If you’re worried about its life length indoors, you can buy an led grow light bulb that specifically gives off the type of light that allows flowers and plants to grow indoors. This is the 100w version but you can also have the 300w, 600w and 1,000w bulb too.

Just remember to keep watering your flowers too or else they will dry out since the bulb is directing the light onto a specific area.

The symbol of resilience

There’s one creature that revels in autumn more than any other. The squirrel takes this time to run around storing it’s food in the ground and making good use of the bare trees. It can be seen in all the parks around the country, hopping from one branch to the next. Putting a copper squirrel figurine in your home is something different other than the usual earth tone decor.

Experiment and reimagine what the earth tone decor of autumn can be for your own home. Different styles and materials offer you plenty of opportunities to go on a different route.

earth tone decor

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  1. October 21, 2019 / 6:17 pm

    What a cozy feel the earth-tones lend to the rooms. We have very dark leather in our den and I wish so badly the furniture was lighter, warmer in color. Makes our room feel more like a cave.

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