Charisma, a unique trait that can be discovered only in the greatest of people. This trait is one of the main defining characters of great influential men and women.
Most of the time people ask what is charisma? Is it that desirable? Is it an innate quality? Or it can be learned as well? Well, you do not need to sweat too much about it as this article has you covered.
We will discuss a bit about what charisma is, how important it is for a person who has it and many more. In the end, you will be able to answer many of your questions. If you are ready, let us dive right into it.

What Is Charisma?
If you walk into a room for the first time and everyone around you feels an immediate connection to you, that is, even though you don’t know them at first, you can be said to be naturally charismatic.
There can be many scenarios that can show that you are a charismatic person or not. But let’s just stick to the article for now
People who are charismatic don’t have to work hard to attract attention; all they have to do is show an indication, and chances are, people will come running.
This ability enables a person to connect effortlessly with people, you are able to inspire confidence as well as leave an impression people, a lasting one.
So, in short, we can say that charisma is a combination of qualities that makes a person able to influence and attract people.
Keep in mind, the underlined word is a combination of qualities. To be able to have this trait, you need not be limited to one or two things. There a lot of things a person does, that makes him or her charismatic.
Also, when you are charismatic, your future is limitless. There is no where you can’t go, and there is no one you can not meet. It is a huge asset to have.
In this guide, we will see some of the ways that can help you to become more charismatic. If you are ready, let us dive in.
How To Become Charismatic
The following are some of the ways a person can become charismatic.
Understand Human Nature
Understanding human nature is the key to being a charismatic person. It is true; you might have known already that charisma is an innate quality. But like many other qualities like confidence, etc., this is something you can learn. More like a skill. And the first step is to understand how humans behave, how we think, and how we relate to each other, among many other things.
When you know these kinds of things, you are able to know when and how to initiate meaningful conversations, how to make strategic appearances, and many more. Understanding human nature is also crucial to increasing your emotional intelligence, thereby helping you to navigate the complex nature of humans.
And for that to happen, you must make sure that you know yourself. You must be adept with how and why you do certain things. How you see and accept things in general. That way you will see the world through your own self.
Aside from that in your normal day to day encounters, you must make sure to observe people more. Keep a close look at their interactions, learn why a person would do something.
This naturally will take time, but in the grand scheme of things you will end up with a lot of knowledge about human nature. Once you are able to do that, you will find that with time, you are able to connect with others in a more meaningful manner.

Speak With Passion
In any case, when given the chance, that is when you must let people in on the beauty of your thoughts. Most of the time, there are many people who naturally think beautifully. But the problem is how to convey that message.
It happens that most people lack the dynamics when it comes to communicating their thoughts and emotions effectively when given the chance. Speaking with passion requires you to know how to affect how your listeners feel about whatever you are talking about.
Such that, you are able to get them to agree with you without too much efforts, even when they initially did not agree with you.
People speak in monotones. But the truth is, such a method of transferring your thoughts to others is very boring and sometimes can tend to piss people off.
It does not help you in any way to be a charismatic person. However, when you employ variation in your voice, you tend to drag the people or your listeners along with you.
It hooks them to every single word you utter. While doing so, do not forget to exhibit emotions. When you feel happy, let your listeners know you are happy by how your voice sounds.
The same applies to when you are sad. Let them share in your feelings. That way you are able to appear more charismatic to your listeners.
You do not need to be given a podium before you can do these things; even simple conversations with your friends and family can be a great starting point.
Also, you must make sure to be good at storytelling. Charismatic people are natural storytellers. And as such, you must try developing that aspect as well.
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Learn To Be Generous With Your Energy And Time
One trait of charismatic people you can emulate is their ability to give their time and energy sparingly to other people. Not that they do so at the cost of their own peace of mind but most often than not, they tend to make sure people are okay before even tending to their own problems.
That is a charismatic person. They tend to give more than they actually expect in return. And that is fine with them.
If you are thinking that being a charismatic person is not easy, then you are right on point. Being a charismatic person will also require you to be able to make people feel after interacting with them.
You must find ways and means to make a sad person happy and an angry person cool down. Basically, you must have a hold on human nature, and for that to be possible, you need to be charitable with your time and energy.
Find ways and means to invest your time and energy in things that will help you get a grasp on how people feel. Such that with time, you will actually be able to give meaningful help.
Learn To Be Present
This is one of the most basic requirements that will aid you in becoming more charismatic. People these days yearn to be charismatic, but the truth is, they are not willing to be available.
They fail to even fully engage in having meaningful conversations and, as such, fail to be as charismatic as they want to be seen.
If you really want to be charismatic, you must pay attention when it comes to having conversations with your family and your friends, Colleagues etc.
Nothing much is expected of you in those instances; the only thing you must make sure to do is to keep your mind on every single word they utter, think about those words, and then let them know your thoughts.
It is a start. Once you keep doing that, you are able to build this impression in the mind of the person speaking that you are actually really listening to what he or she is saying, and as such, the person will start to see you as a likeable person.
Build Confidence
Charismatic people are also naturally confident. Without confidence, there are some things you cannot do as a charismatic person. Charismatic people, as stated previously, do not mind taking the wheel when they feel things are not going right. And whether or not things go as planned, they are always calm and collected, as if nothing of a big deal happened.
So likewise, if you want to be charismatic, you need to start building your confidence. It will take time plus a lot of experiences, but like I always say, they will all be worth it in the long run.
All you need to do is make sure to always assure yourself, whiles having a good positive image about yourself. That way, it helps you to always feel good about yourself.
Master Body Language
Since we are on a course to become charismatic, we must not leave out mastering body language. You can say this is a continuation of the previous point, “Speak with passion.” You see, communication is a crucial way to show people whether or not you are charismatic.
Once you open your mouth to speak, people can see if you are charismatic or not. Therefore, it makes improving your communication skills a very important thing to master.
And one thing about effective communication is how your body language helps to convey the message you want your listeners to know.
Your body language does not necessarily have to do with the movement of your hands and head, or the other parts of your body. It also focusses on how well you maintain eye contact.
How well do you make sure it does not seem too creepy? Another thing to keep in mind is, as you maintain eye contact, make sure to engage your listeners with a good about of facial expressions. Keep in mind that the key thing to note is to make sure you are moderate.
Now, enough of the theory, let’s focus on some few things that will help you to actually practice these things in real life situations to help you build this wonderful trait. Let’s dive in.
Practicing In Real Life
The following points will guide you some of the things to keep in mind that will help you to practice these things in real life. After all in the end, we do not want to just read the article for fun, we also want to learn.
Try Taking Leadership Roles
If you are not fond of being a leader or wanting to be a leader, no one will force you. But it is worth considering the fact that, if you are able to put yourself in that position, naturally and gradually, you will be forced to adapt to that kind of lifestyle. And before you know it, you will realise that you will try to find ways to make people infatuated with you.
You will seek ways to broaden your knowledge on how to talk to people and how to convince them to do your bidding. You will learn how to organise people so that you can all work together to achieve a similar goal.
Not only this. There are many more benefits to be derived from being a leader. It is true that not all leaders can be charismatic, but once you make up your mind that you want to be charismatic, try being a leader; it will give you an in-depth view of what it means to be charismatic.
Try Public Speaking
If you do not like the idea of being a leader to practice your charismatic skills, then you can also opt for public speaking. Although it can sound terrifying at first, when you try it for the first time, it is actually very amazing.
Not many people love to speak on public platforms, but as a person who wants to build your charisma, this must be your golden opportunity.
When you utilise chances like these, we’ll, with time, be able to grow and increase the level of your charisma to become a very influential person.
Reflect And Seek Feedback
After everyday, make sure to have that time for yourself, where you’ll analyse your actions throughout the day by asking yourself some meaningful questions such as
- Did I connect with people?
- Did I engage them with enthusiasm?
- Was I interested in their perspective?
- And many more.
Questions like these help you to analyse your performance by the end of every day helping you to improve as time go by. Also concerning seeking feedback, you can with the help of friends and family analyse your performance. You can ask them to know how well you did concerning your new mission to be a charismatic person.
All these thing help you to get closer and closer to your goal of becoming that charismatic person you want to be.
Final Words
Being charismatic comes with a lot of benefits, some of which include your ability to get into fostering strong and positive interpersonal relationships.
The benefits are also not limited to you building loyalty and devotion in others. Aside from that, when you want to be a leader, being charismatic is the key you need to get there. So, if you really want to develop this quality, you have indeed made a good choice.
Just make sure to stick with this goal of yours, and with time, even when you haven’t noticed it, people will rather compliment you on this quality. Just watch out for those times. Good luck