Single season, this phase of life could be whatever and however, you want it to be. It could be depressing, stressful, or boring, or it could be enjoyable, fun, and a phase where you can give yourself the chance to grow into the kind of person that you want to be.
Honestly, it all depends on how you view this phase of your life. It does not matter whether you just came from a relationship, or you have been single for a long time, or you have never dated, you should not be in your room sulking about your singleness

There are actually things you should be doing to make your life better. This is the stage of your life where you should be chasing your goals and making your priorities right.
Make yourself better so that in the case where you meet your new partner in case you want to be in a relationship, you will be the best version of yourself. And if you just are not ready for any form of relationship, it also works the same way.
Make yourself a better person, you can be proud of. In this article, we have researched and compiled a list of things you should do once you find yourself in a single season. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

12 Things To Do When You Are Not Dating
Indulge In Hobbies
Hobbies are activities you do for enjoyment. If you have no hobbies or have no passion for them, the single-season can be quite the living hell. As you would be bored especially when you are jobless, even when you have a job, hobbies are meant to make you have the best of your time as a single person.
It could be biking, cooking, ( that is my favorite), or you could be playing video games. These activities keep you engaged and it actually helps you to reduce stress levels, depression, and anxiety. Aside from that, when you have hobbies, you are able to connect with people and make new friends who are also interested in those same hobbies. Who knows, maybe, you will get a new date.
Be Religiously Inclined
Do not waste your single Sundays at home alone. Also, if you are a Muslim, do not stay at home and do you salla, no. Go to the church or mosque, not just to meet new people or connect with your friends, but to also make that connection with your maker stronger than it already is.
You must use that single time of yours to realize how great your maker is and how merciful he is for the fact that, despite our very sinful wretched lifestyle, he still forgives us and allows us more chances for fresh starts.
You must acknowledge all these things and many other little and great things he does for us and also appreciate them. Aside from that, it is a time to join church organizations, groups whatever it is. It could be the choir especially if you love singing, or the men’s ministry or youth ministry, whatever organization you have in your church that you kind of fancy, go join them, have the time for them, actually make time in your schedule for them and give this new life you have found everything you have got.
If you are not ready to date anytime from now, then this kind of life would be the best choice for you. But however, do not, be a nun or a monk, we will be waiting for you in the dating pool.

Focus On Your Goals
The single season is the time for you to tackle your goals. It is the time for you to realign your purpose in this life. This phase is the time when you try to know what you need, actually what you are after in this life.
It could be that it has always been your dream to have your own business or to go deeper into your career. Or do you mean to get a promotion? This single season is the best time for you to be working towards that dream. Do not waste that precious time envying other people who are in a relationship.
They actually wish they were single so that they could get the chance you now have to get things going for them. Relationships demand compromises and now you are in none, use it to your best abilities and secure your dreams.
So that if you ever eventually decide to be in a relationship, your partner will know that you are no slouch. If you are not ready for any relationship, good, then that means you would have more time to spoil your new love ( your goal ).
Practice Self Awareness
Another thing you should be using your single season for is to practice self-awareness. Practicing self-awareness will give you the chance to know yourself and to understand yourself.
It will help you to know what you have and what you do not such that anytime you go on a date, you would seek those things you do not have in you to compliment yourself so that provided you get into a relationship, you will be a complete being with your partner.
It will also help you to know what your strengths and weaknesses are so that can capitalize on them. Also, you are exposed to your dealbreakers that will make you know what you like and do not want people doing to you.
In all, it makes you know your ideal self. Practicing self-awareness is the stage to explore your innermost being and a way to understand and accept your existence for who you are.
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Take That Time To Heal
Some relationships can be very demanding, and in others, you just leave because you realize you need a break, or your partner did something really painful to you and you had to break up or it might be that they did some very stupid thing that was beyond redemption and as such you had to find your way out.
It hurts a lot to break up a relationship. Whether it was true love, or the person took advantage of you, or it was just a fling, it all hurts the same. But that does not mean you should be in your room sulking, or crying your heart out.
It is the time to get out there and engage yourself in things that would distract you even when you don’t feel like it. Just do things that are productive as well as healing, such as having time for your hobbies and meeting new people. Try changing your environment by moving to a different place. It is a healing process.

Make New Friends And Connect With Old Friends
The single season is the time to explore. You should have all the time in the world for yourself. Make good use of it, this should be the time to reconnect the bonds you had with old friends, meet them and have a good time, help them in their endeavors as it is also a way to help you heal, if you were hurt by your ex in some way.
Aside from that, use that time to make good and new friends. Let them help you to explore this new phase of your life. Go out and explore every single club you have heard of with friends. I mean live the life.
Go On A Tour
It may sound crazy and wild but that is a good way to while away time in your single season. Actually, this is the best time for you to see places, I mean once you can afford it, go to places alone, take pictures and enjoy the new experience.
Challenge Yourself
This is also another wild thing on my list you must try. You could do it on your own, or with the help of your friends. Do things that put you to the test. Do things that challenge your fears. Here is a good one, if you are scared of heights, challenge yourself to go paragliding. It is crazy but it’s fun. Challenging yourself helps you to enrich your single life experience. If you do things like these, I promise you, you might not want to be in a relationship.
Go For New Dates
Although you are in the single season, that does not mean you are allergic to safe dates. Go out on a date with people who want to take you out, give yourself that chance to explore and meet people. Who knows you may find that perfect person that you have always been looking for.
However, I mostly tell my people, that we make love we do not find it, why waste your time reaching for the perfect love when you can just decide to be that perfect love and influence another person to share that love with you.
Besides there is never something like a perfect love, nobody is perfect and so is love. If you become that perfect love and your partner takes it for granted, it means they did not deserve you. That does not mean all the others will take you for granted, do not close yourself because of some ungrateful being who does not deserve you, to the disadvantage of those who really do. My dear reader, consider this too.
Try Self Care
Self-care is another thing you must consider in that time if you are single. When you care for yourself, it can cover all aspects of your being such as your physical health, your mental and emotional health, as well as your spiritual health and social life.
With the physical, you can care for yourself by having a strict workout routine, as well as caring for your face hair, your nails. For this one, you could opt for a spa session at least a few times in a week, and in the process of it, do not forget to prioritize the other aspect of your life.
After all, they are all components of your being. Love yourself and be ready to sacrifice everything for yourself. This is me saying, be selfish for your sake in this phase.
Keep Journals
Yes, make it a habit, to have a journal. At the end of every day, use it to record the day’s events, and your thoughts on them. Record the things that made you smile, and what made you sad or angry. Anything that happened must go in there. It will help you to while away time as well as observe certain patterns and also certain events that are happening in your single season.
Go On Solo Dates
Going on a solo date is one of the things you must try once you are single. It is a great way to enjoy yourself and to have fun. Since it is a solo date, you must take yourself to the best restaurants out there.
Enjoy the best wines they have to offer and their good food. Also when you go out to see a new band, dance and have a good time. Go for movie shows, as well as explore new clubs in your area. Going on solo dates is also a way to heal from a past relationship. It is also another way to love yourself.
Final Words
These are some of the ways you can spend your single life and still be happy. Make sure to explore, this is very important because the exploration like I said will enrich your experiences, and who knows maybe in the end, you might find the person, who would cherish and uphold you just the way you deserve to be treated.