Moving house is stressful. So it’s not surprising when we get a little bit forgetful. With 101 things to do, there will be things that get overlooked. However…There are some things that shouldn’t be forgotten, mainly for the sake of your sanity on moving day itself. The following are just a few examples.

#1: Don’t forget to size up your furniture
Picture the scene: you finally arrive at your new home, and you start to unload your furniture. All is going well until your giant 4-piece suite gets wedged in the doorframe. Despite the best efforts of the removal men, your comfy sofas are just not going to get through! If only you had taken the time to size them up beforehand.
To alleviate this tricky problem, there are a few options ahead of you. The first is to alter your doorways in advance for those larger pieces of furniture, or if you aren’t able to before the move, hire a moving & storage service to care for your stuff, and do all the DIY after you have moved in. You might also leave some of your furniture behind if the new house owners are agreeable. Or you might sell your bigger items, as this will also boost your income when dealing with your moving expenses.

Don’t forget the kids! (image)
#2: Don’t forget to hire a childminder
If your children are too young to help you on moving day, then you really should hire a childminder. Your kids might only get underfoot otherwise, putting themselves and your belongings in danger when you are walking to and fro to the removal van. An extra pair of hands and eyes will be invaluable to you. As a friend, family member or a trusted neighbor can see to your child’s needs and keep them entertained while you’re busy with all of your moving day duties.
For more advice on moving with children in town, we recommend you read our previous article on the matter. Both you and your children will benefit if you follow our helpful advice.
#3: Don’t forget to pack an easy access box
There are some things that shouldn’t be packed away too early. And when you do pack them, you should keep them together in an ‘easy access’ box. We are talking about such things as a first-aid kit in case of an emergency when you’re moving. We are talking about those important house essentials, such as toilet rolls and cleaning materials which may be needed before you move. And we are talking about kettles, mugs and tea bags, which you might want on hand when you first arrive in your new home. You will only be digging through your other boxes otherwise, which is especially inconvenient when you’re desperate to get your hands on something.
We also recommend you use these labeling tips when packing your boxes. With a helpful system in place, you will;
a) reduce the risk of damaging valuable items, and
b) have the ability to know where everything is when you need it!
Moving for me is always so stressful. These past 6 years, I’ve been moving from one place to another a lot. Luckily I learned smart ways of moving and from where to get the perfect moving boxes 🙂 It can be both actually – a lot of work, but also a lot of fun to move to a new place! ^_^
Thank you so much.
Thanks for sharing amazing post.