Every single person out there is intoxicated by the mere thought of being a successful person some time to come and that includes you. We all strive and yearn for greatness but we are also aware of the fact that being that great and successful person does not come on a silver platter.
Very tough. It comes with a cost. And for all we know, we are ready to make whatever sacrifices to achieve that lofty dream of ours. But not all people are able to make them. Most of the habits in this article seem quite simple but actually only ambitious people are able to do them, these are the people who with time are able to climb into the number one percent of the world.
Because to most, 9 to 5 is already stressful enough. If you have this mindset, then you are not ready to win. You can not be considered a member of the movement ( the success-driven population that is ) because although like I said, the habits, points, ideas, and strategies whatever you want to call them seem easy but would require you to practice them daily.
Let it run through into months and then years. You must make sure they are a part of your core principles. With time, it would change your mindset totally, such that you would see things in a different light, and approach things with a unique view.
That would be when you would be making choices that are contrary to that of the masses yet unique and applicable. There are a lot of such ideas to be tapped into. People with such unique and contrary ideas are the reasons we have Apple phones today, we have light bulbs today, in fact, everything you see around you is a result of a person who went through hell to make them a reality.
You must also be ready to go through that fire, that would mold you for a successful future. Also do not just read this article, get your burst of confidence then go back into your room to continue the habits that keep you stagnated. When you are done, switch off your phone, get up, and be on it. Change your life, my dear reader, you also deserve to be great. Are we ready? Let’s jump into it.
Habits To Be At The Top Of The 99%
Be Responsible
In simple terms, responsibility is what you ought to do to achieve a result. Being responsible all the time can be quite tiring and annoying sometimes but it is what keeps you moving. Being responsible daily takes a toll on your mind and body but it is akin to working out every day.
Because of how stressful it is, most people either just intentionally decide not to bother themselves with it, or they procrastinate on what needs to be taken care of. Such habits and behavior would always keep them in the 99 percent.
Being a responsible person helps you to acknowledge the fact that you have a future at hand and as such these little acts of always being ready and available to do what is required of you as well as being accountable can get you to achieve your dreams.
A person who is able to get things done daily, so much so that it becomes a core part of his being is an achiever. This kind of person would be ready to acknowledge if things went wrong and be ready to write it when required. That is a key mentality every single one of you ought to establish in your mindset.
It would go a long way to help you even when you have become successful. Because you must know that success comes with responsibility. If you are not responsible, you might as well forget that dream you have, because even if you are able to by whatever means, you must understand that no subordinate would want an irresponsible leader. That must be enough to make you know how responsibility is key in the journey to be a great and successful person.
In fact working out has been said to enhance the mental fortitude of those who are at it regularly. But actually in as much as working out every day may be a form of time wasting, consider the health benefits you would get from it. Think about the physical and mental benefits you get from working out every blessed day.
If you see it as a form of time-wasting effort, consider it as a form of investment in your future. I hope that should be enough, because a person who makes it a habit to get up every day to work out not only builds a good body and benefits from feeling good always, you also builds discipline, yes.
Consider how cold most mornings are, yet a person despite disrupting his own beautiful sleep, wakes up at 4 AM or 5, just to work out. Such a person should be compared to a monster to settle doubts.
With this kind of person, no matter what form of obstacle may stand between his future success and him, he would overcome them all because of his mental fortitude. Because of how stressful this endeavor is, many people just give up after a month or two, these people are a part of the 99 percent, who do not roll with them.
My dear readers when you work out, you do not only benefit in aspects of your health and body, but that mental aspect is a huge yes and must be the reason why you must invest time to work out.
With time, you would be a force to be reckoned with. Your self-esteem would be boosted as well. You would be blessed with sharp cognitive abilities which would help you a lot especially when you are a student.
Build A Tough Mentality
Being hard in the game can get you further than you ever thought. In the corporate world where companies and businesses are striving to grow, a weak-minded person would be swallowed immediately especially when you are also trying to set up your own business.
You do not necessarily have to be a business person to have a strong mindset, so far as you are a human, you must be ready for whatever might happen as well as have the resolve to face it head-on.
Building a tough mentality will secure you a place in the midst of great men. Because with such a huge asset, you would be able to play a huge role in such a council. Building a tough mentality takes a man who is ready to go through hell.
One who is ready to learn from mistakes and downfalls. One who is ready to make painful sacrifices and be able to live with it as if nothing happened. To attain success is not a game for children, it is a feat for serious tough-minded people.
There are some who have it easy already because they were born with a certain status. They would have no problem getting there faster compared to you but that would be it. If you are a person striving for greatness too, you would still be better than such a person because you have one or more advantages.
One such thing is a long life of fortified brain power. A muscled mentality that would aid you in overcoming whatever obstacles may come your way. And on the road to success, obstacles are the order of the day. You would have your fair share and for you to be able to overcome them, you would need to be mentally fit.
Be A Learner
To be successful, one has to be ready to learn. You have to be ready to learn from people, and learn from mistakes, either yours or the experiences of others.
You must make it a habit to learn. You must know and keep in your mind that, what you know is never enough. Make it an anthem of yours. Because we are in the world of knowledge.
A world filled with boundless information. Information swarms the internet every second and there will be that one piece of information that would serve as your breakthrough. Let your life be like the battlefield where information has the ability to save a life.
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Also in being a learner, you need to cultivate another habit called humbleness. I know some of you may be like ain’t no way I’m going to be groveling at a person’s feet just because you seek a piece of knowledge from them.
It is more about being ready to accept the fact that a person has control of where you want to go, which is power or information. So when you acknowledge that fact, you cultivate the spirit of humbleness which spurs you on to learn.
When you learn you know, and when you know, it is akin to having a path created for you or having a guide telling you what is what in what way.
Be A Planner
There is no way, you can achieve success without being a planner. This is not about planning your successful future. No, not yet. If you can not plan your day-to-day activities and abide by them, I promise you that you are not ready to plan your successful future.
You should not be surprised or shocked. This is why most people fall behind. Planning your daily activities is as easy as writing them down, but actually building the discipline to abide by them, is a whole different story.
It is difficult because it won’t go as planned but make that resolve, force yourself to be in it. With time it would be easy, and then would you realize that you are on the right track to a successful future.
Aside from planning your day, you must also plan your steps, and be calculative and goal-oriented. Make sure everything you want, you do not just get up and go for it, hold up. Take your time and decide which steps to take and which of them would lead to what result.
Be open-minded and have that foresight. Making this a habit will make people think you are a calculative person but hey, that is the goal, that is what achievers are.
By the time you are rolling in success, they would know that to achieve success, one should be capable of what the masses aren’t capable of.
Learn To Cooperate
You must also know that, no matter how accomplished you are, you will still need to work with others, you would be required at a point in your journey to go to seminars meet people, and network.
You can not be a lone wolf in the corporate world or any other world there is. You need to have a pack. They will help you to pin down that future you want, because, with the company of like-minded people, your success is inevitable.
Be Passionate Enough
without passion, many people fail on this journey to success. People wanted to attain success for the sake of it and the money and power that comes with it. But the quest for success, which is driven by passion is something else.
Passion would make you go further than you would ever thought. Take me for an instant. I love to write. To let people in on the knowledge I have, it is a passion to provide people with little secrets they do not know that the universe has blessed me with.
Every day I write is a new experience and happiness. Now my dear reader tell me, regardless if I get paid or not, is there anything that can come between my way and success? Maybe unless the Almighty himself, if not, I am set. And that moves us to the next point which is :
Be Confident
A person with a poor self-image of himself will only go so far. When you are not confident in your abilities, people will bully you and trample over you along the way.
The journey to success requires a person to be confident in himself. If you are not confident, people will regard you to be weak, you will not be called after interviews. You will not have the audacity that most people have to do things that get them far.
But with confidence, you are bound to wine and dine with great men, even when you are not in the position to be blessed with that opportunity. My dear reader, if you have it hard displaying this trait, do not be disheartened there are many ways to go about this, start a healthy lifestyle, chase your dreams, and most importantly work on your self-esteem and practice self-awareness, with time, I promise you would get there.
It takes time I know and some level of craziness, I know that too because I have been there. But it is a huge asset as a habit. Develop it.
Be Ready For The Worst
On the path to greatness and success, I always say there are obstacles, so you must plan for them and be ready for them. So that when they indeed come, you would be able to vanquish them. If you do not plan for them, they will come and you will be tumbled over.
Perseverance And Determination
I would never end this article in peace if I failed to leave this point out. Attaining success is difficult and so is the greatness that comes with it. It is a long arduous journey but my dear reader when you cultivate the habit of always persevering and being focused, the prize will be yours at the end of the day.
Final Words
These Habits are what contemporary entrepreneurs including myself are cultivating, we know it ain’t easy but we still force ourselves to do it.
Be unique, do not do what the masses do, share this article with your friends, and let them also read, so that you all can grow together and achieve your goals, to be among the top 99 percent.