The Kidney And Cancer: What You Must Know

Our kidney is a fist-sized bean-shaped organ that can be found beneath our rib cages, just on both sides of our spine. Due to several reasons, there have been a lot of people who have died as a result of this key organ having problems. Our kidney can be said to be our lifeline since once it encounters a small problem, the body suffers a lot.

This article has one main aim, and that is to create awareness about kidney cancer and remind people that it is real. Although kidney cancer cannot be prevented, there are certain things we can start doing or cease doing that can decrease the risks of falling victim to this deadly disease.

In this article, we aim to give you a clear picture of what kidney cancer actually is, what causes it, how to avoid it, and other things. But before we can understand what can cause cancer in our bodies, it is worth knowing a few things about the kidney.

What About The Kidney?

The kidney is said to be made up of over a million tiny units. These units are called nephrons. These tiny nephrons are said to be made of tiny filters. These tiny filters are also called glomeruli. Waste and toxins are reabsorbed from the body when blood passes through the nephrons.

After this process, the filtered blood goes back into the body, clean. Without the kidneys, we would be a bag of waste walking on planet Earth. That is why many people die when they do not identify a kidney problem in its early stages.

The kidney is what makes sure that the body’s electrolyte is well maintained. Electrolytes can be said to be fluids in the body that have electrical charges. These electrolytes, when absorbed into the bloodstream by the kidney, keep the muscles, cells, and nerves all functioning at their best.

You need to know that, almost every day, the kidney is tasked with the job of filtering over 120 to 150 quarts of our blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine, and with that, it mostly has to do with how much waste the body needs to do away with. In doing so, the body is optimized for normal functions.

Also, the kidney is said to produce a certain kind of hormone, whose major function is to stimulate the bone marrow and produce more red blood cells. And as we might already be aware, these red blood cells are what carry oxygen to other parts of the body, or optimal-level functionality.

Not only these, the kidney has a lot of work it does in the body, and as such, once it is affected by cancer, there are a lot of things that are going to go wrong.

Kidney Cancer
image from canva

Kidney Cancer

When it comes to cases involving kidney cancer, the most common one is the RCC, also known as renal cell carcinoma. It is said that this type of kidney cancer is responsible for about 90 percent of kidney cases. Kidney cancer is a form of cancer that grows in the kidney once the cells in the body grow out of control. Once they are allowed to grow, they become large, and then scientists will give them the name “a tumor.” Sadly, children can also fall victim to kidney cancer; this form of cancer can be called a Wilms tumor.

The RCC starts to develop in the lining of the renal tubules. These tubules make sure to remove excess waste as well as water from the blood to produce urine. Once this part of the kidneys begins to have problems with cancer, a person can be said to have kidney cancer.

Other forms of kidney cancer include a rare form that begins in the connective tissues and blood vessels of the kidneys. It is called Renal Sarcoma. Also, there is transitional cell carcinoma, which is said to affect the cells in the renal pelvis. As well as the one stated previously, that affects children; however, it is a rare form of cancer, Wilm’s tumor, and many others.

The Kidney And Cancer: What You Must Know

What Causes Cancer?

As much as there seems to be no specific cause of kidney cancer, we know that it has something to do with the cells and the DNA.

Almost every cell in the body is said to have the same DNA, this DNA is what gives the cells the required instructions concerning how they should operate. These instructions can be found in genes. A gene can be said to be a section of the DNA. These guys are what make us look like our parents. They are the main instructions the cells need to function, aside from that, these genes are said to control other genes.

The cancer develops when there is a change in the DNA in our cells. And the question now is, what changes? And what causes this change? Below, we discuss this in much further detail.

7 Factors That Can Lead To Kidney Cancer

For cancer to develop in the kidneys, there need to be several combining factors at play. These factors make a person more likely to develop kidney cancer, but as it stands, they do not necessarily apply to all, meaning that these factors do not apply to everybody.

There are people who will develop cancer because of gene mutations and other situations concerned with the genes, which we will discuss subsequently. These factors include:

Old Age
image from canva

Old Age

As we grow older, our risks of developing cancerous cells in the body increase, and the kidney is not spared. Older people over the age of 50 are more likely to get kidney cancer. As we grow older, the cells in the body get destroyed and such.

A study reported that, as of 1995 and 2018, almost all RCC cases recorded were from people over the age of 70. Very rarely will you see people below the age of 45, being diagnosed with kidney cancer.


Currently, men are the ones who are diagnosed with kidney cancer as compared to women. Men suffer a more severe form of kidney cancer, as they tend to develop huge tumors, accompanied by sad oncological outcomes. And it is especially true for those in the western counties due to smoking.

Aside from that, men are more likely to develop kidney disease due to how much androgen there is in their bodies. Androgens are sex hormones found in men; a typical example is testosterone. These androgens are what make men susceptible to kidney cancer.

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

Generally, hypertension has been recognized as one of the main culprits of cancer. One such is renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Several studies have shown that RCC and kidney cancer have a link and that people who have hypertension are more likely to be diagnosed with kidney cancer.

Although scientists researching this issue have no tangible evidence, they know that there is a correlation between both. Also, it is believed that obesity and insulin resistance might be other factors that might contribute to kidney cancer.

Advanced Kidney Disease

The latter stages of kidney disease can be called advanced kidney disease. People who have battled kidney diseases for a while also stand a chance to develop RCC. This is especially true for people who have been on dialysis for a long time.

Family History

Another factor that can cause a person to develop RCC is that it runs through the family. It happens as a result of the fact that you share almost the same genes and the like. It happens that because the genes we get from both of our parents define us a lot, we tend to be at a lot of risk, especially when either of them or a close relative, say, a sibling, has them.

However, that should not scare you; you need to make sure that, once there is such a connection, you take proactive measures.

Exposure To Chemicals

There are certain chemicals that have the tendency to increase our risk of RCC once we get exposed to them. These chemicals can be those we use to work in factories and the like. One such chemical, which people now cease to use, is TCE (trichloroethylene). This is a colorless solvent that is used to degrease machine parts.

This chemical is mostly used to make other products used in factories and other workplaces, such as farms and the like. Also, there is cadmium and other substances. They do not directly cause kidney cancer, or RCC, but increase our chances of developing it.


Of all the factors, smoking is said to be one of the most crucial factors that causes issues in the renal system. Smoking has been found to be the culprit in several cancer cases that affect different parts of the body, and kidney cancer is one of them. RCC is said to be what smoking a cigarette can cause. It has been shown that about 15 percent of kidney cancer cases are the result of smoking.

When you smoke, you literally damage the DNA in your cells. And as we already know, this DNA contains the instructions the cells need to function optimally. Once they are damaged, they are normally repaired by a certain protein in the cells called the XPA protein. It can happen that the damage happens to a gene that manufactures the DNA repair protein.

When that happens, that will mean that certain cells will have no capacity to repair themselves in the event of damage. In that case, it is said that with time, when this situation drags on, these cells turn cancerous.

 Factors That Can Lead To Kidney Cancer

Signs And Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer

The following are some of the things that show that a person might possibly have an RCC:

  • You either see or feel a lump in the abdomen.
  • You constantly feel tired.
  • You mostly become feverish.
  • You experience lower back pain.
  • You notice blood in the urine.
  • You urinate frequently.
  • You lose appetite, etc.
Signs And Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer

Lowering Your Risks Of Cancer

As stated previously, some of these factors will not necessarily impact everyone or will not apply to all individuals reading the article; however, they say prevention is the best solution, and as such, the following are some of the ways to help you reduce your risk of being diagnosed with kidney cancer.

Workout More

When you workout more, you are able to regulate certain hormones that contribute to the growth of several types of cancer. As stated previously, obese people stand a higher risk of developing cancer; therefore, make sure to work out at least three times a week.

Avoid Smoking

Also, to lower your risk, you need to consider quitting smoking or at least reducing the rate at which you enjoy it. Remember that, when it comes to cancer development, the smoking of cigarettes and others is very notorious, and as such, you need to be very cautious with it.

Enjoy A Healthy Diet

When you prioritize a healthy diet, it does not necessarily mean always feasting on a fully fried chicken with a few salads here and there; it has to do with quality. You need to make sure that you enjoy foods rich in substances like carotenoids and the like.

Typical examples include carrots, squash, and the like. Also, try to enjoy more fruits. Do not forget to be mindful of your fibers and fats. Essentially, try as much as possible to cut down on fast food and the like. Try cooking good and healthy food for yourself.

Go For Regular Checks

Another way to lower your risk is to actually be proactive and go for checks regularly. Early detection may actually save your life.

Keep An Eye On Your Blood Pressure

Also, try to keep tabs on your blood pressure levels; it is actually one of the sneakiest diseases you might ever encounter since you might have it, yet you may never actually know unless you keep tabs on them.

When you don’t, you might actually end up with damaged arteries and vessels that work in your kidneys. Therefore, do yourself a favor and also check your blood pressure levels when you can.

Final Words

Renal cell carcinoma is real, and it can mess you up a real deal. You must make sure to be proactive when it comes to issues concerning your health; if not, you might end up wishing you had. Therefore, after knowing these few things about kidney cancer, try your best to make sure you are on the safe side.

Lowering Your Risks Of Cancer

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