Reasons Why You Fail As A Student

Every student seeks to excel in their academic pursuits. Therefore they do everything needed to make that vision a dream come true. They scour the internet for articles and resources that will help them to achieve their goals- to excel.

Except there are learners who are not interested in making a grand graduation appearance, there are some students who struggle to even inch closer to their goals. There are a lot of factors that lead to this situation.

Reasons Why You Fail As A Student
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It does not mean that learners who ace in their academic pursuits are not affected by these factors. They are affected in every way possible you can imagine. But the difference between them and the failing students is, they learn to acknowledge these factors as well as make ample preparations to combat these situations.

Basically, they always have things planned and have things going for them such that, these factors do not affect them as much as the failing student.

In this blog today, we will highlight some of these factors that lead to your failing as a student. As you are provided with this information, you will also be provided with ways with which you can follow to keep these situations under wraps so that you can also be successful in your academic endeavors. Are you ready? Let us dive right into it.

Reasons Why You Fail As A Student

Reasons Why You Fail As A Student

The following are some of the reasons why you fail as a student.

Not Being Goal Oriented

Having a goal will serve as your main driving force. It will serve as your motivational source which you would always lean on for encouragement and comfort. Not having a clear goal is like being a blind man. You would literally be without purpose in this life.

And we all know what happens to people who do not have a clear attainable goal. They are easily swayed and moved by the storms of this life. And the same applies to being a student. Once you are a student, you are not bound to be successful UNLESS you take the initiative to know where you are going with your academic pursuits.

You must be goal-oriented as it will be like a map dictating to you and giving you ideas on how to get there. With a clear goal, you would know the kind of courses to take, as well as build the right resolve to be able to handle that course. If not you would fail.

With no goal, most students choose courses they have no idea of, or any love for, or what they will be doing with it after completing. When that happens you have very low hopes of even getting nowhere thereby forcing you to fail even before you have been pronounced failed.

Therefore as a student, whether or not you have already chosen a course, start planning for the future. Make use of your current situation. Build a clear and tangible goal. With that, you would know what to make of your course, whether you like or not. It will help to be successful someday, even if not at the level you wanted, you would still be bound to be successful.

Lack Of Commitment To Study
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Lack Of Commitment To Study

Another reason why most learners fail is their lack of commitment to learning. Once you are given the title a student, you are bound to carry the yoke of a learner until you are redeemed of it by your success. When you lack the commitment, and the willingness to take up your material and learn, you are naturally bound to fail.

Continuously having a go at your learning material creates new neural pathways in your brain. Such that you are able to easily remember whatever you learn. It is a very uncomfortable process, yes we know, we have all been through it. But those learners who came out with flying colors did it, so why can’t you? You must brave the academic storm and take your seat among the successful ones. If not, you would find your self failing and over again.

Failure To Seek Clarification

Mostly learners fail to seek clarity when they do not understand what they had been taught. It could be a number of reasons, but the most notable one is thinking that, they are able to learn on their own at home so, they would rather not bother the facilitator or teacher.

But honestly, that is not how it is done. If you continuously do this, you deny yourself from growing and accepting the fact that, whatever clarity you seek to get at home is none better than what your teacher will provide you with. When you seek clarity in the classroom or lecture hall, it forces the teacher to divulge more details about the material you have learnt.

Thereby making you perceptible to acquire more knowledge. After that, then will you go home and seek more clarity to further cement the knowledge you acquired. Helping you to ace you exams more easily. Failure to seek clarity can put a dent in your knowledge and keep you crippled in your academic pursuits. Desist from it.

Poor Time Management Skills
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Poor Time Management Skills

Most students who fail have one thing in common, and that is poor time management. This factor is one thing that is needed to be efficient in anything that you do including even just staying at home doing nothing, proper time management skills help you to make good use of your time.

Failure to properly manage your time, always puts you through a lot of stress, as you always have so many things to do in such a little time. As a student, you must prioritize this habit and develop it into a formidable asset. Good time management skills help you avoid over-cramming as well as undertaking your learning activities in an efficient manner.

When you are efficient enough, over time you gradually inch your way to success. But if you decide to cast away this habit and go with the flow of your normal day, you would end up being a failure even when you are good in your lessons. It becomes a cancer in the pursuit of your academic excellence. With poor time management, you are bound to fail. Prioritize good time management skills so that you can succeed.

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Strained Teacher Learner Relationships

Regardless of how good you are academically, or how rich your parents are, you must make sure you do not have a strained relationship with your teacher. Positive teacher-learner relationships, is the channel through which the teacher is able to deliver effectively to the learner.

Therefore when this relationship is strained or is in the negative, it somewhat impact you the learner in a very negative way, as there will be times when you would need to clarify a concept your teacher put across to the class, you have a strained relationship with your teacher, you will be conflicted whether to muster courage to ask or not, in the end affecting your academic pursuits.

Aside from that, when you are a student in Africa, specifically Ghana, you would know how true this matter is. Most teachers can be a headache when you dare to have this situation with them, that would mean you are definitely doomed for the semester.

Basically, what I am saying is, that another way to avoid failing as a student is to make sure there is no negative feelings between yourself and your teacher, no matter what. Be good with them, talk to them, and be cool with them, with this, you will be halfway to your success as a student.

Unable To Deal With Distractions

Distractions can lead one astray. These are things that catch your attention once you are focused on an endeavor. This factor comes in many forms, from our electronic devices to the environment we find ourselves in, and even our thoughts can be a form of distraction.

As a student, when you have no immunity against distraction-causing mechanisms, you are will be a failure. You would not be able to complete your tasks on time, even when you have more than enough time to do so. In the end, you try to cram up your study material at the last minute. Which is not the right way to go.

To combat distractions, you must prioritize proper breaks and rests, and also make good use of your time management skills. It will help you to acknowledge the fact that, you are on a schedule and as such, you must strive to make good use of your time. This will help you to disregard all forms of distractions. To make time management more effective, you must make good use of discipline.

Having good self-discipline will help you to keep true to yourself as well as being accountable. Distractions are one major cause of students failing, do well to avoid them.


Just like a distraction, procrastinating students are not redeemable from failure. As a student, you definitely have a lot on your hands to get going for you. But when you find yourself wanting to push them to a later time, you must know that procrastination is standing not very far from you.

It will affect in you so many ways possible. When you are fond of procrastinating about what needs to be done at a particular time, you must understand that those activities are building up somewhere and you will eventually have to sort them out.

Now, when you decide to not sort them out, it becomes a problem that puts a dent in the stability of your academic standing. You become practically a cripple in the academic world, even when you do not realize it. Because at some point, you would be required to account for what you learned in the form of tests and exams. And your failure to pass will make you a failed student in technical terms.

And when you also decide to sort them out, you realize that they will cram up on you, and you will stress out, burning out would be inevitable. Leading you to bail. That would also mean, you get to become a failed student. Therefore, my dear reader, you must make sure to avoid procrastination as much as possible, and consider it your worst enemy.

Not Resting Enough

As a student, driving yourself to your limit can be very disastrous for you and your academic pursuits as well. When you learn, and at a point you feel sleepy, give your body the rest it deserves. Whenever you feel sleepy during your studies ( I do not mean the kind of sleepiness you feel from reading that chemistry book, I am referring to the one you get after burning yourself out ) it is the same as your body telling you I am tired please let me sleep.

If you feel that sleeping would rob you of your precious time, prioritize a nap. But whatever it is, make sure to give your mind that rest it needs. Because in those times, that organ is able to invigorate itself as well as process all of the information you acquired as well as help you to store them.

If you do not rest enough, but force yourself to do more, you end up wasting your time and ending up with nothing in your head. Besides, in a sleepy state nothing enters your brain, so whenever you learn enough, give yourself the rest you need. If not, you would be inching towards failure.

Poor Diet

Junk foods and fast foods, these foods basically comprise every poor diet you could ever think of. These foods have their own unique effect on your brain that hinders its ability to process and store information in its optimal level.

You must avoid a poor diet at all costs and start investing a few minutes of your time every day to make yourself a healthy food. Also, make sure you enjoy brain-helping foods like salmon and the like. They will help you to boost your brain power. Helping you to be successful in your academic pursuits.

Social Circle

They always say, birds of a feather, flock together, this saying will never be true enough. The people you walk with determine who you will turn out to be. Most students are bound to fail from the beginning due to the kind of friends they associate themselves with.

Most of these learners are conscious of the fact that, they are in a bad company, but they still choose to roll with them. However, the student with the intention of achieving his goals will make friends alright, but with people who see what he sees. He will make sure to seek the company of people who are much smarter than he is, so that his brain will also adapt to pick up their wavelength.

As a student, your success and failure depends a lot on your circle. Therefore, be conscious of the kind of people you associate with. Make friends with people who will force you to strive towards your dream, not those who will ridicule you when you bring up smart ideas. Make the right choice.

Finally, Pressure

This pressure has nothing to do with the heart health. But everything to do with the kind of stress and anxiety a person goes through just to please himself, society, and most importantly family. Most of us reading this blog are probably being sponsored by the family, or society, or possibly some of us might be on scholarships, but due to that pressure to please them all, you are here reading this self-help article.

Although this pressure is a good thing, as it can serve as a driving force for you to do better. But when it is too much, it can drive your anxiety levels higher, as well as your stress levels. All these things going through one mind can serve as a distraction, and may even lead to low self-esteem, the exact opposite of what this good thing was supposed to be.

Therefore, my dear reader, you must eliminate any form of pressure. Go with your own flow, and believe that success will be yours.

Final Words

Aside from, the above listed, there are many many, points, but these ones are the most pressing ones we need to provide because they affect learners more in a negative way driving them to their failures. They may be serious depending on how you see them, but handling them can be quite easy, you just need to get used to the feeling of changing a few habits here and there.

Reasons Why You Fail As A Student

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