I know that being single can be a choice that people make, for several understandable reasons. After all, the single season when used right can be a very enjoyable period of your life.
And for that matter, most people intentionally close themselves from any potential suitors that may come their way, or they just decide to not engage themselves in any activities that could possibly land them into a potential relationship.
But there are others also who have been sincerely looking left and right desperately for the right person but they still can not seem to find them.

And there are others who do get themselves into a nice relationship but after a short while, they find themselves all alone, stranded because, they were either dumped, or they dumped the other. It is not like these beautiful men and women just get up and decide to not want a relationship, it is actually more complex than that.
After all who would not want to be in a relationship? Relationships are venues to share bonds with our person. And to share our vulnerabilities and feel belonged to and cared for. And it is not like those people who are in relationships are perfect, they are just as flawed as we are. So what is the matter? What is wrong with you? Are you not handsome or beautiful enough? If there is nothing wrong with you, then what is the problem?
Today in this blog post, you will be provided with some key things that might be keeping you single, whether you are aware of them or not. After reading this post, I implore you to start putting things in the right order, so that in the end, you may find yourself a beautiful woman or a very handsome man, and have a lasting romantic relationship with them.

11 Surprising Reasons Why You Might Be Single
Trust Issues
If you are single, or you probably struggle to maintain a romantic relationship, it probably might be because you have trust issues. Trust issues can be said to be a person’s habitual distrust of their partner.
This is a very dangerous thing for every relationship out there. And if somehow you have got this problem, then we really have an issue.
It may be that you have had certain past experiences such as childhood occurrences, and relationships which have made you distrustful of people, especially in romantic partners or when someone tries to be kind to you. But you must find ways to accept that whatever happened to you, is in the past and move on.
If somehow, someone broke your trust in the past, it does not mean all the other people in the world are like that, give people the chance to change. People are like fingers and noses. When you are distrustful, your new dates will not feel safe with you and eventually will run away.
Let us do it this way. When you eventually meet a new person, and you go on the date, for the first time ever, give them the benefit of the doubt and see, if he happens to be a douchebag, move on to someone else, that is how it is done, do not just stay home and be thinking that, they all are the same. If you do, then that might be why you are single.
Low Self Esteem
Sometimes, to get what you want, you need to have a shot at it. And if you do not, you lose it, Wayne Gretzky has a better way of saying it and he says you lose a hundred percent of the shots you do not take. When you have a poor self-image, you keep having this feeling that nobody will love you, or accept you for who you are.
What does it matter if you are not of average looks, or not wealthy enough? It does not matter. Because of how rare true love is, there are many people nowadays who overlook appearances.
Do not think too much about how the person seems to be way out of your league, just let them know how you feel, after all, even if they deny you, I promise you, the world will not come to an end. You know what will happen? Supposing they say yes, you would have had a date. If not, it would help you to get a boost of confidence.
And if you still think that you are not worth anything or that nobody will appreciate you, then that might be why you are single.
You Are Still Into Your Ex
If you still find yourself to be single, then this might also be a probable culprit -having a fire still burning for your ex. If you still think about your ex after a breakup, then we have a problem.
Because no one would want to date a person who is still not over with their ex, that is a huge turnoff. You and your ex had your shot, if they left you, it means they did not deserve you. Prepare your mind and heart for the one who will really cherish you like the king or queen that you are.
Forget about your ex, I know it is painful to forget those sweet memories you both made together, but hey, you need to open yourself up for the one who truly will take you somewhere my dear, or else you might remain single for a good time to come.

Falling For The Wrong People
This is another reason why some people continue to remain single. If they fall in love, it is either that person is emotionally not available, or they are just not the right fit for them, but still they would obsess over these people while those who truly value them would be lined up at their door waiting to at least get a single date with them.
Give those people a chance, look through them, and choose the one who seems suitable enough for you. Get To Know this person, you do not necessarily have to connect with this person immediately, some love is nurtured, just as others are found.
Take your time, and observe this person for a while, I do not implore you to force yourself on them or force anything down your own throat either, but after a while, if you think this person is okay, move on to the next level, one step at a time. Who knows, that person might actually be the one you should be focusing your energy on, give them the chance, and no, do not wait on emotionally unavailable people, or else you might remain single.
You Have A Busy Life
Most people in the corporate world have no time to waste. They are tight on schedules so much that, they hardly have the time to even enjoy proper home-cooked food.
These people have the same routine running through from Monday to Friday, and also meet with the same people. Because of that, they hardly get the chance to meet people.
Even though the weekends would have been the best time to go out and explore, most of these people would decide to stay home and just relax. Actually they enjoy that time alone, if not, they would have gone out to meet new people and make friends.
My dear reader, if you are single and have a very busy life, at least consider your weekends the best time to meet potential partners. You won’t meet them if you continue to stay secluded, and also you can not be busy forever, but definitely you would need to be by your partner forever. So make time and get out there. Go on dates too. If not, you might continue to be a single person with a tight schedule.
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Bad Habits Might Be The Culprit
Most people manage to get the person of their dreams, who adores and cherishes them, but in the course of the relationship, they start displaying certain addictive habits like chain smoking, drugs, masturbation, and other unspeakable bad habits.
These habits make their newfound partners run away. This point is not meant to judge you, my dear reader, it is actually to throw light on the cause of your single life.
It might be that you have tried ways to rid yourself of this habit but to no avail, do not worry, it happens, and there are people who have been in it, and were able to get out. You can too, just try and seek help because not many people would want to be in a relationship with you if you have a bad habit. They would feel insecure. Bad habits are one of the reasons certain people remain single.

You Have Not Met The Right One
This may also be a probable cause of your singleness. You are actually waiting for the right one. That is a good idea if you are waiting for your other half. But do you know that with that mindset, you might be very single for a long time? I mean the right ones are all probably taken ( just kidding ), but instead of waiting for that right one, how about being the right one for someone who is also looking for the right one?
I hope you are following. There are people like you out there who are also in search of the right ones. So it is only smart that you become that person to get what you want. It is true that this idea would make you prey on hungry wolves, but you will never know if you do not try.
You Are Probably Obsessive
Being an obsessive person is a turnoff for most people. They do not expect you to play hard to get, but at least to be decent, but not clingy.
Most people after a first date would have finished planning their wedding and then honeymoon already but that is not how it is done, you must rather give your new date the impression that you are good without him.
Make him work for you but not with the intention of playing hard to get. The goal is to get a partner not to scare them away with our obsessiveness or hardiness. If you are fond of this, I honestly think you should put a stop to it.
Or you might remain single, give them the time to warm up to you. I understand you want to bag them as soon as possible, but just relax, give them that time, or better, make them thirst for you.
You Have Unrealistic Standards
I understand that you see yourself to be a woman of substance or a man with good standing and that is a good thing. It is good to have certain criteria with which you value your potential partners, but really, if you seem to not see anyone who has not met all of your set standards, why not reevaluate those standards again?
It would have helped you and your potential partner greatly if you brought down those standards of yours, to give the other a chance into your life. Because you can not have it all perfect like you want.
Definitely, when you find this perfect person, there will be a flaw somewhere, so you must give people the chance to show you how happy they can also make you. If not, and you keep at your standards, you might remain single.
Fear Of Losing Independence
Many people especially, the newly employed young men and established women love their independence. They love to be by themselves all the time, just doing their own things.
Most young guys fear going into a relationship, where they would have to give up their favorite lifestyles and hobbies, the same applies to women. You must keep in mind that, you do not have to change the person you are just because of a relationship, and that includes your hobbies and everything that comes together to make you the person that you are.
When you find yourself in a relationship, you do not give up your personality, because your partner is supposed to help you and support you for who you are. Keep that in mind.
You Are Single By Choice
If you are single, it might also be that it is a choice you have made by yourself. And it is a great choice. It is only a problem when you decide to stay single because there seems to be no hope for you, but if that is not the case, then you are okay, it is a healthy choice. After all the single season is one for growth and self-exploration.
Final Words
These are some of the many reasons why you might be single. If you have been in any situation like the ones in this article, please reconsider, and change your perspectives, there is nothing wrong with you, these are just circumstances. There are people like you out there, give them the chance to love you like you deserve.