How To Get The Perfect Hot Water System

A person uses about 50 liters of hot water per day on average, and even more if they take long hot showers or frequently wash their clothes in warm or hot water.

Before making suggestions, have a hot water system Perth supplier like Same Day Hot Water Service inspect your home and usage habits. In order to estimate the right system size, a supplier should ask a few key questions to determine how much hot water your home uses and when.

Questions to ask when choosing a hot water system

  1. What is the total number of individuals who live in your home?
  2. When do you generally shower or take a bath? Is it best to exercise first thing in the morning, last thing in the evening, or both? What will the number of showers be and how long will they last?
  3. Do you wash your clothes in hot or cold water? Many front-loading washing machines only use cold water (which they heat themselves), so your hot water system isn’t used. Your hot water system will be depleted if your washing machine is connected to a hot water tap and you utilize hot wash cycles.
  4. Do you wash your dishes by hand most of the time or do you use a dishwasher? Dishwashers normally use just cold water (which they heat themselves), whereas hand-washing uses your hot water supply.
  5. Is there a long pipe connecting the hot water system to the principal outputs (such as the kitchen sink or the shower)? This is inefficient because it causes long hot water delays and wastes both energy and water. A shorter path is better, and at the very least, the hot water line should be insulated. This can be done with the help of a good installer/plumber, but it will certainly raise the cost of the job.

At least two separate hot water suppliers should be contacted for quotes.

For most homes, a solar hot water system may be the most efficient and cost-effective solution. If that isn’t an option, think about the following options.

  • A small family of 1–2 people:- Hot water system with a small gas storage tank or a continuous flow hot water system (gas or electric).
  • Medium-sized family (3–4 people):- A  gas system or a heat pump are both viable options (continuous flow or storage).
  • A large family (5 or more people):- Gas storage tanks may be more cost-effective than a multiple continuous flow hot water system. Heat pumps with a large capacity can also be used.

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For energy efficiency, there are star ratings

The Minimum Energy Performance Standards apply to electric hot water storage systems, gas hot water storage systems, and gas instantaneous systems (MEPS). However, they are not needed to have energy star labels.

You’ll see star ratings on gas hot water systems, but this is an industry-managed plan that is not governed by the government. It has nothing to do with the star ratings for energy efficiency that are given to appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners.

MEPS are being investigated for usage in several types of water heaters. This will assist to reduce the number of inefficient models on the market, and all hot water systems may be awarded a star rating.


Because the following list is not exhaustive and new ideas arise on a regular basis, it’s worth checking with your state and municipal governments or conducting your own study. A qualified local hot water system installer will also be able to inform you of any incentives that may be available in your area.

How To Get The Perfect Hot Water System

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