Having a better life is something we all desire. Although this doesn’t happen in a day, there are some activities you can include in your life everyday to help you achieve the better life you so desire.
These habits which will help improve the your well being, put your mind at ease, increase your self-love and help build your spirituality.
50 habits to start practising for a better life
- Walk daily
- Get Sunlight
- Encourage yourself daily
- Put yourself first
- Laugh more often
- Forget your past
- Read quotes of encouragement daily
- Love yourself
- Do not smoke
- Take in more water
- Inhale lot of air
- Always have a positive mindset
- Overcome anxiety
- Wake up early
- Do not go to bed with a stressful mind
- Engage in daily exercise
- Achieve the goal for everyday
- Control your temper
- Focus on what is your business
- Take breaks from work
- Surround yourself with positive people
- Drink lemon tea to refresh your body
- Teach a walk along the beach
- Ignore the negative thought of others about you
- Relate well with everyone
- Do not drink alcohol
- Courage others
- Learn new words everyday
- Go for clinical check ups
- Listen to your favourite songs
- Read a book every month
- Sleep at 10:30 pm
- Eat a well balanced food
- Spend time your family
- Have a goal in mind for every year
- Watch the sun rise and the sunset
- Make a daily activity calendar
- Enjoy the company of your partner
- Identify your weakness and work on them
- Do not argue with your partner in the bedroom
- Engage yourself in any game of interest
- Take your bath twice a day
- Say sorry when you offend others
- Say words of sweetness into the ears of your partner
- Stop eating at night
- Brush your teeth twice a day
- Tell others when they commit a mistake
- Eat more fruit and vegetables of your choice
- Go on vacation
- Visit your place of worship in due time
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