A couple days off work usually won’t have too much of a financial impact. However, long-term sickness can cause a real financial strain. Even if an employer offers sick leave, this is only likely to be for a limited time and may not be enough to live on alone. As a result, other forms of income are often needed when recovering from a long-term illness.
Here are just a few ways to financially survive when too sick to work.
1. Make money online
There are lots of ways to make a bit of extra money on the web which don’t require any physical exertion.
Paid surveys are one way of making money. Certain sites will pay you in cash for completing surveys. The longer and more niche the survey, the more you’ll earn. Such surveys generally don’t require too much mental strain, making them a perfect option for those that are ill.
Alternatively, you could try making money from digital skills using sites like Fiverr. This could include editing photos for people, writing paid blog posts, handling company’s social media or even helping people to do online shopping – whatever skill you can offer. This type of work can sometimes take a bit more mental strain, but you may find that by only taking on odd jobs you don’t have to dedicate too much time to them.
Of course, if you feel you’re still mentally able to handle a full workload and your work is computer/phone based you may be able to continue your current job from home on full pay. Many companies are now capable of doing this. It could be something worth discussing with your employer, but only if you feel up to it.
2. Sell your clutter
Being ill could be the perfect time to sort through some of the clutter in your home. It’s likely that there could be unwanted possessions in your home that are of value to someone else. By selling these, you could help to make a bit of extra income.
It’s possible you may need some physical help with this. This could include getting someone to go up in the attic for you. Or asking someone to take your clutter down to the local thrift store. You can sell items online using the likes of Gumtree and you can even ask the buyer to collect the item from your home.
Even if you feel you have no clutter to sell, you can always pawn items to get a temporary loan. That said, you will have to pay back this loan by a certain date. Otherwise you could risk losing this item as collateral.

3. Look into sickness benefits
When it comes to long term sickness, it’s sometimes possible to seek state or government benefits.
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) is one option to explore. These are credits that are earned over the course of your working life. They can then be used to provide an extra income when you are unable to work. You may not be able to apply for SSDI with certain ailments, however for most forms of long-term recovery it’s usually applicable.
Other benefits may also be available if one of your family members needs to act as a carer. There could even be government grants available in some cases.
4. Consider if you’re eligible for a legal claim
If you were made ill or injured as the result of someone else’s negligence, it’s possible that you may be able to get the help you need by applying for legal compensation. You can do this by working with a personal injury lawyer. Such cases could include a workplace accident, a car accident injury, injury caused by a faulty product, medical malpractice or another form of professional negligence.
5. Get help from charities
There may also be charities that can provide funding in certain circumstances. Some charities may be able to offer grants, whilst others may be able to help with tasks that you may not be able to perform such as doing your weekly shop. Make sure to consider local charities and nationwide charities.
6. Let your creditors know
It’s worth telling your creditors about your situation. When it comes to circumstances such as illness, many bill providers and lenders will be sympathetic and may agree to temporarily lower your rates or freeze payments. This may require you to already have a good relationship with these creditors. If you’ve missed lots of payments in the past, they may not be so willing to do this. However if you’ve regularly paid on time they’re more likely to help you out.